How to stay productive when working from home

Published on March 19, 2020
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Given the current situation, many people are required to work from home for the sake of their health and that of their loved ones. For some, working from home is nothing new, but for others it is a whole new way of working. Here are a few tips to help ease this transition and maintain the same level of productivity.

1. Set up in a bright environment
It is well known that natural light is the key to motivation and productivity. Following office design trends, work environments are bathed in abundant natural light, so why neglect it at home? Install your workstation near a window to have outside light as your main source of illumination. You will see positive effects not only on your work, but also on your mood!


2. Define your space
Our living space is not necessarily organized around an office area. It is sometimes trapped between two pieces of furniture or facing a wall. However, for optimal work periods, it is best to take the time to arrange the space and create an inviting place that will separate your family environment from your workstation. High plants or shelves can form a visual barrier so that you are more focused on the task at hand.


3. Take a seat on an ergonomic chair
At work and at home, it is important to choose ergonomic furniture. Your office chair must be chosen with care and include features that will fit your body type and your job. A fully adjustable chair prevents muscle pain and encourages a healthy posture. An adjustable seat, backrest, armrests, and headrest as well as the composition of the chair are all features to consider in order to enjoy increased comfort throughout the day.


4. Stay active and focused with height-adjustable furniture
Varying postures offers many performance and wellness benefits in addition to having a positive effect on mood. This may be a good time to pick up a height-adjustable table that will naturally increase your energy level! For a more affordable option that requires less space, you can instead opt for a stool with a rotary base that will help stimulate stabilizing muscles and improve blood flow. This stool offers a semi-seated posture that will certainly give you a boost of concentration and alertness to continue your work day. However, these dynamic furniture options do not replace physical activity, so plan some time for an outdoor walk, yoga, or stretching session to maintain your peace of mind!


5. Create an inspiring and creative space
To completely redesign our home with new office furniture is rather unthinkable. However, it is still possible to create an inspiring workstation with a few simple elements: include plants for improved productivity and creativity; put up inspirational images or a timeline of your projects to better visualize their progress and stay motivated.


6. Stay connected, even far away
In this period of confinement, teams find themselves distanced and the number of social interactions is reduced. It is essential to maintain your relationships and team spirit on a daily basis. Schedule calls or video conferences to monitor the progress of projects using management tools and devote time to informal discussions with colleagues.


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